Tag Archives: inspiring interns

Jayne’s Kitschen News

4 May

I have been a busy bee! Hence the lack of blogging on Jayne’s Kitschen of late. However, I have been guest blogging and wanted to share with you those articles.

My most recent Guest Blog is for Sailorettes, a retro fashion and lifestyle blog based in Lisbon, Portugal. I have written a guide to UK based online shops that ship to the EU. Myself and Mafalda of Sailorettes are going a guest blog swap, which is due to become a regular thing. You can read her Vintage Guide to Lisbon on Jayne’s Kitschen now. Here are the links…

Jayne’s Kitschen for Sailorettes

Sailorettes for Jayne’s Kitschen

I was also recently invited to guest blog for Inspiring Interns, an internship recruitment company based in London. I have been mainly blogging about blogging and social media use for them, however, a range of topics are expected to be covered over time. Here are the links…

Inspiring Interns: Beauty of Blogging

Inspiring Interns:  Becoming a Social Media Superstar

For those of you not already aware, you can keep up to date with me and my finds via Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to contact me there if you want to share something, discuss a collaboration, or ask me anything! Here’s the links…

Jayne’s Kitschen’s Facebook Fanpage

Jayne’s Kitschen on Twitter

Thanks for Reading!