Tag Archives: dolly knits

Knitted Out

25 Nov

I love knitted things, it is such a traditional craft, associated with grandma’s knitting tacky jumpers and tea cosies. I learnt to knit last Summer, it took me ages to get a hang of it and to this day I have not managed to do anything other than straight lines, therefore limiting me to scarves! This Winter I’m planning on expanding my skills into crochet and knitting more interesting things such as hats and handwarmers.

I’ve seen so many snazzy knitted makes on my browsing of the web and would love to share some of these with you!


Through browsing the blog Geek Crafts (which I love, and highly recommend you check out!) http://geekcrafts.com/ I discovered the quirky, cute and imaginative world of Amigurumi. Amigurumi is the Japanese for ‘knitted stuff toy’, however this name has been attached generally to any kind of Kawaii (cute), quirky and kitsch knitted characters. Just do a google image search and a whole bunch of amazing makes appear. This website has some amazing examples, check out the gallery, I particularly love the teddy bear cupcakes and bon bons: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amigurumikingdom/


Knitted Food Items!

For some unknown reason I’ve always had a thing for cartoon food items with faces, which can frequently be seen in traditional Amigurumi work. My love of knitted items have led to my love of knitted food items, so pointless really, but oh so cute and very kitsch. This Folksy shop, Treaclezoo sells great Amigurumi and also knitted food! http://www.folksy.com/shops/treaclezoo For ultimate perfect, check out the Amigurumi food items, super Kawaii! This Etsy shop does amazing patterns and super cute kawaii food: http://www.etsy.com/shop/anapaulaoli . One of my favourite items of jewellery is a Amigurumi apple with a face that I bought from Lady Luck Rules Ok a few years ago, more about this shop to follow but here’s a link: http://www.ladyluckrulesok.com/

 And now for those more useful items!

Of course, the main lovely thing about knitted items is that they can create amazingly snuggly and beautiful practical items and fashion accessories. I have seen so many amazing webshops selling incredible knitted things but some of my faves include: Knit and Destroy, this lady now works for Lady Luck Rules Ok I believe and she is incredible creative with her Knits http://www.knitanddestroy.co.uk/ I have many things from her site, including a lolly pop brooch and a red crayon scarf! For  more elegant, but still quirky knit I love Folksy shop, Dolly Knits, I would quite happily own every piece on her page, so much good choice! http://www.folksy.com/shops/dollyknits I particularly love Dolly Knits triangle scarves, ties and hair bows, seriously cute! Dolly Knit Pom Pom brooches would brighten up any outfit!

 How inspiring is that talented bunch? I wonder if they will lend me their talents?